Friday 22 February 2013

Ah, so it is a small world after all!

The Disney ride doesn't lie.

Are you ready for this? Take a big breath now and see how shitty my life really is after leaving my ex of 8 and a half years. I can't escape him!

A couple of weeks ago on Facebook, which is quickly becoming the devil's toy, I noticed that a friend of mine was in a photo with my ex. That's certainly odd. I mean, they never knew each other when we were dating; she was a friend who I went on a training course with.

That photo played on my mind.

I also managed to make the mistake of getting a job at a place where my ex's cousin works. We used to get on so well and go to each other's houses, go to family weddings together and talk really openly and honestly with one another. I remember very early on in the relationship I thought I might be pregnant and she was the one who I took advice from. Seeing her at work is not easy.

She plays on my mind.

Another photo on my friend's Facebook appears of some sort of cake creation with my ex tagged in it. The cake is on the coffee table at her house. I see his feet perched upon the table in the background. Hmm, he never put his feet up at mine. I wonder if he's moved in with her.

I tell a work colleague about this and have my little moan. I tell her my theory on how I think he's moved to an area very, very close to where I live.

That night, my colleague sends me a text saying that she's seen our other colleague (ex's cousin) in my favourite pub and he was with him. It turns out that he has moved to the local area and she was showing him around.

We always wanted to live together. Unfortunately, we never lived closer than a 30 minute drive from each other. Now it's 5 minutes. If that!

The location of his new house plays on my mind. I know you can see a theme here. Well done.

So feeling a bit low last night, I decide that I will go out for dinner with Housemate Guy. It turns out he doesn't have a girlfriend. We do have a nice time, apart from him asking me back to his constantly. No means no. Argh.

Discussion moves on, and I notice that he's friends on Facebook with the girl who I went on a course with. It turns out that they lived in the same house briefly. Oh really? I tell him my ex lives there now. He says his name. He's met him.

I can't even see a fucking guy without my ex popping up. He's a plague! He's with me at work, in my pub, with guys who I see, he sees my colleaugues, and he lives with someone I know and in a location very close to where I live.

Why can't he just be out of my life? Why can't I just move on? I just want to rest/live/drink in peace.

Take Spanish evening classes at the local university. Learn Spanish. Move to central/south America.


  1. Reminds me of my previous really being a sensitive girl. Check out my dilemas at

  2. Hello, im loving the read and enjoying every word of it. Would you like to get in touch, perhaps via email? Im looking forward to hearing from you. Tom

  3. Glad you're enjoying reading it. Thanks! Yes, please get in touch.
