Sunday 30 September 2012

So how was it for you?

Tattoo guy.

Oh my!

Yes please.

My bad boy aims to please, and that he does. I spent last Saturday evening with him. We had a Chinese and cuddled up on the sofa to watch X Factor. Athough 10 minutes into the show, it became obvious that he had other ideas. I had a visual clue, and took it as a hint. I took him up to bed, and well... sigh. And what an incredible kisser. In all honesty, we spent the majority of the night cuddled up and kissing. I've missed that.

Date with Science Guy was all too predictable and oh so very normal. We discussed work, and then discussed work some more, oh and then some more. Frankie Boyle was pretty good.

But let's get back to Tattoo Guy. Giggle. I think that I've made it perfectly clear that I'm very impressed by his skills. I want to see him again, but I'm so busy with work that it's hard to schedule him in. I have to see him again within a week. I don't think that I'll be able to wait much longer. He seems quite enthusiastic about seeing me too, so quite happy about that. I do smile when I think of him.

No, I will not fall for him. He's too much of a bad boy in regards to illegal activities, and that's just not cricket!

No, I will not fall for him. When he sends me messages, he doesn't use correct punctuation.

No, I will not fall for him. He wants to get more tattoos on his neck, and that just wouldn't look nice on the wedding photos.

Maybe I like him a teeny bit.

Sunday 16 September 2012

Lorra lorra laughs

They really are like buses, aren't they?

This week is a busy week; not only have I started my new and exhausting job, I also have 3 dates. I don't think that any of the dates are particularly healthy for my love life; they're more KFC than a vegetable medley.

So, let's go through these dates in a Cilla Black Blind Date way:

Date number 1:
On Wednesday I will be wined and dined by a gentleman 12 years older than me, who is originally from my part of the world, but now resides in London. A property developer with houses in Florida (one of which is his private house - probably where he maims and kills females he meets on dating websites) and he also has other businesses too.

So why isn't this one going anywhere?  1) I am intimidated by his wealth, 2) I feel like a bit of a gold digger, and finally 3) although we share a lot of the same interests, I'm just not bowled over at the minute.

Date number 2:
On Friday night I will not be wined and dined, but I will be meeting Tattoo Guy for a roll in the hay. We can all tell that this isn't the best idea, but a girl's got to have good once in a while! And with him, we both know what it's about. No emotions of love. Just sex.

Date number 3:
Science Guy is back on the scene. This will be our third date and we're off to see Frankie Boyle on Sunday night. I'm excited about this one. Alas, it is because I will be watching Frankie Boyle, not because I will be talking to Science Guy.

He's just a bit, well, wet. There's not much to him. And he certainly doesn't make me laugh. Yes, he's sweet, but he's not even sarcastic, and that is a minimum requirement. We haven't even kissed yet.

Here I am slagging him off, and knowing my luck he'll be the one who I end up marrying. God, I hope not.

Well then Cilla, I have 3 dates and none that are going anywhere, so thanks for that you ginger northerner!

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Not tonight dear. I have a headache.

Last time I blogged there was a lovely young man who gave me lots of wine. Since he's been back from his holidays I have been busy with moving house and a new job, so I'm yet to see him. He wants to meet up but I find myself thinking that any free time I have, I want to spend it by myself. I'm with people all day and when I get in, I lock myself away so that even my housemate doesn't see me. Of course I eat dinner downstairs and watch a sitcom or two, but then I make up my excuses about tidying my room or working.

Bliss! I'm in my room and alone. Who needs people? I'm quite happy in my bubble, and more importantly, in silence. Even now I'm in bed (alone) and with nothing to distract me except this headache.

So, should I see lovely guy again? Yes, but not now. Peace and quiet for me. I might even get the knitting out. I do like to knit!

All in all, I think that I've turned into J.D. Salinger. I suppose there are worse people I could be like. Nick Clegg comes to mind.

Pass me a paracetamol and a glass of water. Maybe tomorrow night, sweetheart.